Dynamic Speech
Present & persuade
Of what use are brilliant innovations and profound expertise if no one listens to your ideas or buys your products? Ideas will wither and die if you don’t manage to gain support for them. Convincing presentations are just as important in your work as the products or concepts you devise.
- You are able to apply principles and techniques of successful presenting
- You know how to balance technical expertise, personality and persuasive power in the correct way
- You are self-assured and calm before, during and after a presentation
- You answer audience questions serenely
- You use presentation aids effectively
- Rules of Communication
- Communication Toolbox
- The psycho-logical structure of an audience-centred presentation
- Gestures, facial expressions, body language
- Coping with inhibitions and anxiety
- Preparation and delivery of Master Presentation I
Would you like to expand and intensify your presentation skills and experience? Extend your training by one day and sign up for PowerSpeech.
Dynamic Speech is an intensive and interactive 2-day workshop. We record your presentations on video and evaluate them with you in a one-to-one consultation. You have many opportunities to present and you will receive in-depth feedback on your performances.
Target Group
- Group and team leaders, project leaders
- Marketing managers, technical and financial experts
Registration & Schedule
Customised company-specific training programs available: We are happy to customise our services for your company and your specific needs.
Erik Leibundgut - Partner
Max Langosco - Partner